The meaning of life

»The meaning of life«
Petra Schott

»The meaning of life«, 2019, Egg tempera, pigments, oil-pastels and graphite on handmade paper, 38 x 27.5 cm
For platform projects, I participate with one painting out of a series. Anyway, it is work in progress. It represents the present state of my research project explained below.

In 2019 I started putting a very special question to several people, namely: »what is the meaning of life for you?«. I recorded their answer to this question and I also took a photo of the person, however only showing hands and body position without the face.

My art project is about how to present this person and its answer in a painting. For me the question I put to several people is a very important one. We all know this question but very seldom do we give an explicit answer to it. The question seems very burdensome, old-fashioned and charged, if not annoying -and we are not expecting someone asking us such questions.

In the work I present here I have searched for a purely pictorial expression of what I saw and what happened during the interview. I sort of painted my view of a photo I took working with egg tempera, pencils and pigments. I put a specific focus on the hands because hands for me have a very direct relation to the heart and to truth.

Petra Schott speaks
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